Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tools for Creating Strong Passwords

via freetechforteachers

Richard Byrne has a great post on creating strong passwords. There are also two videos about choosing a safe password and a CommonCraft video about securing passwords.  A very informative blog especially for VAs.

How to choose a safe password - Explania

Friday, June 24, 2011

The 12 Most Effective Ways To Develop a Solid Blog

via 12most

If you are a virtual assistant (VA) who is also  into blogging, I think this would be a good article to read.  I learned a lot from this article like linking to your Facebook account and other tips as well. 12most.com is quite an informative website which has a lot of articles on social media, Internet and many other interesting topics.

cc licensed flickr photo shared by cambodia4kidsorg

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What Happens in 60 Seconds on The Internet

Via Gizmodo

Imagine how many things happen in the Internet every 60 seconds!

  • 1500+ blog posts

  • 98,000 new tweets

  • 12,000 new ads on Craigslist

  • 20,000 new posts on Tumblr

  • 600 new videos (25+ hours worth) on YouTube

  • That's simply an amazing amount of data!

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by Solo